Today Wednesday 1/15/2025 :: Total visits 673829 Times :: Current visitors 96
  • Designing a hospital strategic plan with the guidance of the hospital management team
  • Determination and publication of hospital mission statement at the level of different hospital units
  • Establishing an annual operational plan ,advancing , coordinating and intergrating quality improvement programs , improving patient safety in line with the accreditation model
  • Continuous monitoring of the operational program , data , actions and management interventions by analyzing indicators
  • Tracking and coordinating the implementation of accreditation standards and improving quality in different departments and units of the hospital
  • The development of hospital systems and processes is in accordance with principle of quality improvement
  • Compilation in monitoring of the prominent functional , measurable ,achievable , and timed  indicators of the hospital
  • Distribute index data forms to section and track their results
  • Identify the challenges and problems in implementation and improvement of quality , improvement programs and improve patient safety in the hospital ,analyze the relevant causes and provide solutions to the quality improvement committee and the hospitals chief executive officer
  • The collection of guidelines and procedures and the instruction received from the various units and departments of the hospital to make available to the staff and monitor its correct implementation
  • Annual policy review , implementation procedures and guidelines compilation of annual report on staff training needs
  • Planning for education and culture to establish accreditation requirements
  • Establishing a system for reporting medical errors ( recording , analyzing, corrective actions announcing corrective actions at hospital level and sharing them )
  • Establish a comprehensive risk management system (culture building , hazard identification ,evaluation ,analysis , corrective , action ,continuous  monitoring , effective communication and counseling
  • Analyzing the forms of monitoring the main indicators and processes of the hospital
  • Analyzing patient and personnel satisfaction forms and sending it to the hospital management executive  provide audit report and corrective action tracking
  • Follow up of meetings of the quality improvement and executive management committee
  • Continuous monitoring of the formation and implementation of other  hospital committee
  • Review  and track complaints analysis and submit it to the executive management committee
  • Review and track the analysis of suggestions  and submit it to the hospital management
  • Formulating policy and flow chart creating a complaints  system on satisfaction
  • Upgrading your knowledge and knowledge in line with concepts of quality management and accreditation
  • Follow up and scheduling to update the hospital documentation
  • Design implementation of internal audit program

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